


  • Day 01 :
  • :Arrival to Amman Queen Alia Airport, met & assisted, transferred to hotel.Dinner & Overnight stay at hotel.

  • Day 02 :
  • Breakfast, morning Amman city tour, visit the Roman Amphitheater and the museums, the Citidel then on to Madaba to see the 6th century Byzantine mosaics, Mt Nebo the memorial of Moses. Back to the hotel. Dinner & Overnight stay at hotel.

  • Day 03 :
  • Breakfast, and then check out, Transfer to King Hussain bridge Cross over to Holyland. We see the Quamran caves where they found the Dead Sea scrolls. On to the oldest city JERICO where we will see the Mount of temptation, drive through the Jordan valley to Tiberias. Dinner & Overnight stay at hotel.

  • Day 04 :
  • Breakfast, full day tour of the churches around the Sea of Galilee, starting with river Jordan Baptism Site, Mt. of Beatitudes, Tabgha, Capenaum see the ruins of St Peters house. Boat ride on the sea of Galilee, Mt. Tabor. Back to the hotel. Dinner & Overnight stay at hotel.

  • Day 05:
  • Breakfast, Checkout. Drive to Jerusalem via Ceasarea the ancient port that Herod built; on to Hafia visit the Stella Maris Church enjoy the panoramic view of the Harbor City, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Check-in. Dinner & Overnight stay at hotel.

  • Day 06:
  • Breakfast, full day tour, Ein Karim Church of visitation, John the Baptist Church, Yadvashim( The Holocaust Museum) Israeli Parliament, Bethlehem, Nativity Church, visit the cave where Christ was born, Milk Grotto, Shepherds Field, then we drive to the Dead Sea, enjoy a nice swim. Back to Hotel Jerusalem, Dinner & Overnight stay at hotel.

  • Day 07:
  • Breakfast, full day tour, Mt of Olives Visit the chapel Of Ascension, Pater Noster where Jesus taught the Prayer of Our Father, Walk along the Palm Sunday road to the Church Of Domius Flevit Chaple where Jesus wept over Jerusalem, Garden Gethsemane. Drive to Mt. Zion visit King Davids tomb, The Last Supper Room (The Upper Room), Dormation Abbey, St. Peter in Gallicantu where St. Peter denied Jesus 3 times. Back to the hotel. Dinner & Overnight stay at hotel.

  • Day 08:
  • Breakfast, full day tour, we head to the Old City of Jerusalem. Visit the Wailing Wall the most Holy place of the Jews, Alaqsa mosque, Dome of the Golden Rock, Betsadha Pool, Visit St. Annes Church, walk on the Way Of The Cross (via Delarosa), Holy Sepulcher church visit the Tomb of Jesus, Back to hotel. Dinner & Overnight stay at hotel.

  • Day 09:
  • Breakfast, then we check out and transfer to Allenby Bridge, Cross over to Jordan. Met & assisted, Transferred to Amman Queen Alia Airport to board the flight.

    School Tours
    7 NIGHTS / 8 DAYS

    Deepen the faith and first hand understanding of Christian Youth, by giving them personal experiences at the holy sites that have made the Land of Israel so meaningful to so many people for thousands of years.

  • Day 01 Tel Aviv - Jaffa - Netanya :
  • On arrival at Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, you will meet your driver and guide who will be with you for the duration of your tour in the Holy Land. Drive to the port city of Jaffa (Joppa) from where Jonah set sail, and later used by King Solomon as his main port on the Mediterranean, especially for bringing in cedar wood purchased from the Phoenicians in Lebanon for the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. Drive through modern Tel Aviv, and to your hotel for the night. Dinner and overnight: Netanya.

  • Day 02 Caesarea - Megiddo/Armageddon - Nazareth - Cana - Tiberias :
  • Your first Israeli breakfast. Drive north along the fertile coastal plain. Stop in Caesarea, once King Herod's capital of the Holy Land. See the Roman Theatre, Herod's palace and the Crusader City. Drive by Mount Carmel where the prophet Elijah defeated the prophets of Ba'al, and on to explore the site of Megiddo/Armageddon and discover why this tel (archaeological mound), which holds 5,000 years of accumulated cities, is viewed as the place for the "cataclysm of the end of days." See the stables and gateway built by King Solomon 3,000 years ago. Continue to Nazareth, the town where Jesus spent His childhood. We visit the Church of Annunciation and also Mary's Well. Visit the village of Cana where the wedding feast was held. Finally, arrive at the Sea of Galilee. Dinner and overnight: Tiberias .

  • Day 03 Sea of Galilee Boat Ride - Capernaum - Tabgha - Mt. Beatitudes - Golan Heights :
  • Breakfast in the hotel. Start the day with a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee followed by a visit to Capernaum, hometown of St Peter and the center of Jesus' Ministry in the Galilee. Next stop is Tabgha, site of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes. Visit the Mount of Beatitudes, site of the Sermon on the Mount, and drive along the shores of the lake to the baptismal site on the Jordan River, at the point where the river leaves the Sea of Galilee. Drive up to the Golan Heights and stop for a magnificent view of the entire Sea of Galilee and surrounding area. This will be a good orientation on the location of the various holy sites around the lake. Dinner and overnight: Tiberias.

  • Day 04 Beit Shean - Jordan River Valley - Dead Sea Swim - Negev Desert :
  • Breakfast in the hotel. Visit the ancient city of Beit Shean, capital of the Roman Decapolis, and walk along its colonnaded main streets, magnificent bathhouses, theatre and ruined temples. From there we drive south through the Jordan River Valley to the Dead Sea, passing on the way the modern city of Jericho and the Mount of Temptation. We stop for a "swim" in the salty, mineral rich waters of the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth, located some 400 metres below sea level, and then continue to the Negev Desert to Mamshit Camel Ranch for a desert experience with camel rides, a Beduin "hafla" dinner and overnight.

  • Day 05 Dead Sea - Masada - Ein Gedi - Qumran :
  • After breakfast, we ascend the rock of Masada by cable car, and walk through palaces built by Herod the Great and site of the last stand of the Jews against the Romans 2,000 years ago. We visit the beautiful Ein Gedi Nature Reserve, and Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were written and hidden in nearby caves. We will have an opportunity to learn about the Scrolls. Dinner and overnight: Jerusalem.

  • Day 06 Jerusalem - Haas Promenade - Southern Wall Excavations - Western Wall - Via Dolorosa - Holy Sepulchre - Garden Tomb :
  • Breakfast in the hotel. We begin our tour of the holy city at the Haas Promenade for a spectacular view of the Old City of Jerusalem. Then we visit the Southern Wall Excavations of the Temple Mount and walk on the stairs where Jesus taught. Stop at the Western ("Wailing") Wall, a remnant of the foundation of the Temple built by Herod in the First Century BC, and the holiest site of Judaism. Walk along the Via Dolorosa, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, traditional site of Jesus' Crucifixion and Burial. See the Cardo, the main street of Roman Jerusalem, and visit the Garden Tomb - set in peaceful surroundings. Dinner and overnight: Jerusalem.

  • Day 07 Jerusalem - Yad Vashem - Mount of Olives - Gethsemane - Mount Zion - Bethlehem :
  • Breakfast in the hotel. In the morning we have a short visit to Yad Vashem, the national memorial and museum of the Holocaust - memorial to the 6 million Jews killed during World War II. Then we walk on the Mount of Olives, overlooking the Old City. Walk through the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus awaited the Roman soldiers in the olive grove, see 2,000 year old olive trees, and visit the Church of the Agony. Then we tour Mount Zion and visit David's Tomb and the Room of the Last Supper. Visit Bethlehem and the Church of the Nativity, traditional site of the birth of Jesus. Extra time for shopping and exploring. Dinner and overnight: Jerusalem.

  • Day 08 :
  • Early morning departure transfer to Ben Gurion Airport and your flight home.

    School Tours II
    9 NIGHTS / 10 DAYS

    Deepen the faith and first hand understanding of Christian Youth, by giving them personal experiences at the holy sites that have made the Land of Israel so meaningful to so many people for thousands of years.

  • Day 01 :
  • Arrival at Ben Gurion Airport and transfer to your hotel in Tel Aviv.

  • Day 02 :
  • Begin this journey by visiting the ancient port city of Jaffa, next to the modern city of Tel Aviv, from which Jonah embarked on his way to Tarshish. Leave Jaffa and travel along the coastal road to Caesarea Maritima, Herod the Great's masterpiece city on the Mediterranean coast. Walk through the ruins of his royal palace on the water, Roman theatre, and the hippodrome used for horse and chariot races. This is the city where Paul was imprisoned before being sent to Rome and his death. The site is still under excavation, and "new" ancient surprises are constantly being uncovered. Next we explore the site of Megiddo/Armageddon and discover why this tel (archaeological mound), which holds 5,000 years of accumulated cities, is viewed as the place for the "cataclysm of the end of days." Walk through its main gate fortified by King Solomon, and see its Canaanite cult center. We continue up to the Mount Carmel range, to the Muhraqa, where Elijah bested the priests of Ba'al, and look out over the beautiful fertile Jezreel Valley.

  • Day 03 :
  • Tour the Galilee, the north of Israel, first visiting the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth, the town where Jesus grew up, and then Cana, location of the first miracle, of turning water into wine. Next we travel to Sepphoris, capital of the Galilee after the destruction of Jerusalem, a mixed Christian, Jewish and Roman pagan city. Visit the modern city of Tiberias, on the Sea of Galilee, established in the first century by Herod's son Antipas, and named in honor of the Emperor in Rome.

  • Day 04 :
  • This day we will explore sites around the lovely Sea of Galilee, with its beautiful scenery, extensive archaeological evidence and rich traditions relating to the early part of the Christian era. Begin at Capernaum, including the synagogue where Jesus prayed and the church over the site of St. Peter's house. Visit Tabgha, traditional site of the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fish, commemorated by the Church of the Multiplication, and then we will walk through the ruins of the first century Jewish town of Bethsaida, which, although mentioned in all four Gospels and home of at least three of the disciples, has only recently been identified and excavated. Enjoy a lunch of St. Peter's fish by the water, and a Boat Ride on the lake. See the First Century Boat from the time of Jesus that was discovered in the silt under the water after several years of severe drought, and has been preserved and is now on display.

  • Day 05 :
  • Begin the day with a view over the lake from the Mount of Beatitudes, where the Sermon on the Mount was delivered, continuing north to the Golan Heights, where we will walk through the beautiful park at Banias/Caesarea Philippi, with its ancient Roman pagan ritual center, bubbling springs that are sources of the Jordan River, and in particular the place where Peter confessed his faith in Jesus. Next we travel to the amazing ruins of Beit Shean, capital of the Roman Decapolis, which was destroyed by earthquake, and walk along its colonnaded main streets, visit the extraordinary bath houses, theatre and ruined temples. From here we travel to Jerusalem.

  • Day 06 :
  • We begin our exploration of Jerusalem by viewing the city from the Haas Promenade, also known as the Hill of Evil Counsel. Continue on to nearby Bethlehem, traditional site of the birth of Jesus. Visit the Church of Nativity & The Shepherds Fields.Next we will visit the archaeologically accurate model of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period, the time of Jesus, in order to understand what the city looked like in those turbulent times. Then tour the archaeological excavations at the Southern and Western Walls of the Second Temple built by Herod the Great, walking through the ruins of the markets, roads, and residential areas of the Temple precinct, and walk on the stairs that led into the Temple. We will visit the Herodian mansions, ruins of the homes of the elite of ancient Jerusalem and of the High Priests who served in the Temple, and see some of the fine accessories that decorated these homes, as well as the burnt roof beams that are witness to the destruction by the Romans in 70 AD. Walk on the ancient Roman/Byzantine Cardo, the main street of ancient Jerusalem.

  • Day 07 :
  • Visit the Mount of Olives, which played such a large part in the last days of Jesus, including the Garden of Gethsemane and the Basilica of the Agony, where Jesus hid and was arrested by the Romans. Then walk through the Old City of Jerusalem, and along the Via Dolorosa, the route that Jesus took on the way to the crucifixion, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which includes the traditional sites of Calvary and the Tomb of Jesus.

  • Day 08 :
  • We will explore the City of David, the actual city built by King David, and which served as the capital of Israel for over a thousand years from the tenth century BC until the destruction by Rome in 70 AD. The site is still being excavated, and we can look at residential areas, and walk through its water tunnels cut through the mountain to protect its spring from the Assyrian and later Babylonian invaders. And this trip, unlike any other, will take you to royal tombs in Jerusalem dating from the time of the First Temple (960-586 BC, built by King Solomon). Here there is an option to visit the Garden Tomb, thought by many to be the real Golgotha (place of crucifixion) and tomb of Jesus. This beautiful garden is a wonderful place for meditation and contemplation. Then we visit the Israel Museum, to see, among other amazing displays, the ossuary ("bone box" for secondary burial) of Caiaphus, and the inscription from Caesarea with the name of Pontius Pilate.

  • Day 09 :
  • Leave Jerusalem for an exciting day at the Dead Sea, lowest point on earth and place of refuge and source of salt in ancient times, and mineral cures today. On the drive through the Judean Desert we will pass Jericho and the traditional site of the Mount of Temptation, as well as the scene of the story of the Good Samaritan. We will ascend Masada by cable car, site of the last stand of the Jews against the Romans in 73 AD, walking through palaces built by Herod the Great, and seeing how the Jews lived in the ruins of his buildings more than a hundred years later, holding out against the strength of the Roman Empire. Swim in the Dead Sea, and then explore the ancient remains at Qumran, center of the Essenes who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls. To end this extraordinary day, we will visit the Wilderness Tabernacle, a replica of the mobile sanctuary built by the Israelites after the Exodus from Egypt.

  • Day 10 :
  • See the village of Ein Karem near Jerusalem, where John the Baptist was born. And then visit Yad Vashem, the memorial to the six million Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust. Next we'll drive through the Valley of Elah to Beit Guvrin, where we will be able to see amazing caves, some of which were used as a refuge in many periods, and a possible stop on the way of the Holy Family from Hebron to Gaza. Here we will have an opportunity to actually participate in an ongoing Archaeological Excavation. Return to the hotel to freshen up and transfer to Ben Gurion airport, and the flight home .

    The Archeology of Jesus: Itinerary
    9 NIGHTS / 10 DAYS
  • Day 01 :
  • Arrival at Ben Gurion Airport and transfer to your hotel in Tel Aviv.

  • Day 02 :
  • Begin this journey by visiting the ancient port city of Jaffa, next to the modern city of Tel Aviv, from which Jonah embarked on his way to Tarshish. Leave Jaffa and travel along the coastal road to Caesarea Maritima, Herod the Great's masterpiece on the Mediterranean, currently undergoing extensive excavation. Visit Megiddo/Armageddon, discover why this tel (archaeological mound), which holds 5,000 years of accumulated cities, is viewed as the place for the "cataclysm of the end of days."

  • Day 03 :
  • We continue north to explore the Galilee, including Nazareth where Jesus grew up, and Sepphoris, capital of the Galilee after the destruction of Jerusalem, a mixed Christian, Jewish and Roman pagan city. Tour the city of Tiberias, established in the first century by Herod's son Antipas, and named in honor of the Emperor in Rome.

  • Day 04 :
  • We will walk through the ruins of the first century Jewish town of Bethsaida, which, although mentioned in all four Gospels and home of at least three of the disciples, has only recently been identified and excavated. Visit the ancient town of Capernaum, including the synagogue where Jesus prayed and the possible site of St. Peter's house. Next stop is the First Century Boat from the time of Jesus that was discovered in the silt under the water during a drought year, and has been preserved and is now on display. Enjoy a boat ride on the beautiful Sea of Galilee, with its extensive archaeological evidence relating to the early part of the Christian era, and see the magnificent mosaic floor of the ancient city of Hammat Tiberias.

  • Day 05 :
  • Walk through the beautiful national park of Banias/Caesarea Philippi, with its ancient Roman pagan ritual center, its many stories related to the times, and bubbling springs that are sources of the Jordan River. Next stop is Gamla, an exquisite remnant of Jewish life in this period, and exemplifying the extensive settlement of the Galilee and Golan during the time of Jesus' ministry. We will also walk through the remains of a small Byzantine village nearby. Tour the extensive Roman ruins of Beth Shean, capital of the Roman Decapolis, destroyed by earthquake, and still being excavated.

  • Day 06 :
  • Explore the Old City of Jerusalem, visiting archaeological excavations at the southern and western walls of the Second Temple built by Herod the Great, walking through the ruins of the markets, roads, and residential areas of the Temple precinct, and walk on the stairs that lead into the Temple. Tour the excavated ruins of the upscale houses of the High Priests who served in the Temple, called the Herodian mansions, and the Burnt House, all underneath the street level of the rebuilt Jewish Quarter of today, and see some of the fine accessories that decorated these homes, as well as the burnt roof beams that are witness to the destruction by the Romans in 70 AD. Walk on the ancient Roman/Byzantine Cardo, the main street of ancient Jerusalem. Visit the archaeologically accurate model of Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period, the time of Jesus, and understand what the city looked like in those turbulent times.

  • Day 07 :
  • We will explore the actual city built by King David, currently under excavation, and walk through its water tunnels cut through the mountain to protect its spring from the Assyrian and later Babylonian invaders. And this trip, unlike any other, will take you to royal tombs in Jerusalem dating from the time of the First Temple (960-586 BC, built by King Solomon). Visit the Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem, where authentic ancient finds are displayed according to the biblical cultures and peoples that they represent. This phenomenal collection has items that cannot be seen anywhere else in the world. In addition, we will be able to view original frescoes retrieved from the area of Herculaneum and Pompeii.

  • Day 08 :
  • Explore the Mount of Olives, the traditions surrounding the Garden of Gethsemane ("the Cave of Betrayal"), the Via Dolorosa, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which includes the traditional sites of Calvary and the Tomb of Jesus, and learn about the archaeological context of these sites. View Jerusalem from the Haas Promenade, also known as the Hill of Evil Counsel, and then visit Bethlehem, traditional site of the birth of Jesus. Visit the Church of Nativity & The Shepherds Fields.

  • Day 09 :
  • An exciting day will be dedicated to visiting the Dead Sea, lowest point on earth and valuable source of salt in ancient times, and mineral cures today. We will tour Masada (ascent by cable car), site of the last stand of the Jews against the Romans in 73 AD, walking through palaces built by Herod the Great, and seeing how the Jews lived in the ruins of his buildings more than a hundred years later, holding out against the strength of the Roman Empire. Swim in the Dead Sea, and then explore the archaeological remains at Qumran, center of the Essenes who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls.

  • Day 10 :
  • Visit the Israel Museum, to see, among other amazing displays, the ossuary ("bone box" for secondary burial) of Caiaphus, the inscription from Caesarea with the name of Pontius Pilate. Drive by the village of Ein Karem, and the Trappist monastery at Latrun, one of the traditional sites of Emmaus. Our next stop is a tour of caves at Beit Guvrin and Tel Maresha, which were used as a refuge in many periods, and a possible stop on the way of the Holy Family from Hebron to Gaza. Here we will have an opportunity to actually participate in an ongoing excavation. Return to your hotel to freshen up and transfer to Ben Gurion Airport for your flight home.

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